Je vous livre un article interessant sur l'année 2004. Très étonnant car les astrologues chinois prévois également une joyeuse fête du slip mondiale pour cette année du singe qui débute...
il faut bien dire que je n'imaginais pas non plus une année 2004 paisible !
une année 2004 que je vous souhaite bonne ! malgré tout !
Haut les coeurs ! sursum corda !
Résumé : guerre en France, tremblements de terre à répétition, effondrement de l'économie européenne en Décembre... ce sont les prémices du cataclysme annoncé (et prévisible) qui selon Lemesurier aurait pour point de départ l'anniversaire des 500 ans de Nostradamus...
By Tim Engle
Knight Ridder/Tribune news
January 9, 2004
Nostradamus might have predicted you'd read this story. The seemingly all-knowing Renaissance man would have just celebrated his 500th birthday, if he hadn't died back in 1566 -- an event, some say, he predicted in detail.
To the true believers, Nostradamus is the astrologer to end all astrologers. He is the man who has been a household name for nearly half a century and to whom more than 400 books and countless Web sites are devoted.
Yes, believe it or not, we've found a few Nostradamus predictions specifically for 2004. (At least that's when some Nostradamus experts think they will occur. Remember that figuring out when a Nostradamus prediction is to take place can be as difficult as deciding what his words actually mean.) This one comes from Ned Halley's book "The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus":
The terrible war being prepared in the West
Will be followed, one year later, by a plague
Of such virulence it spares neither young, old, nor animal
Blood, fire, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.
Nostradamus also predicts for 2004 severe earthquakes and tidal waves in Greece and Turkey (August) and the economic collapse of northern Italy and most of Western Europe (December), according to Lemesurier.
Quatrain 3-94 (the 94th stanza in Century 3) is said to have been written about Nostradamus himself:
For 500 years no account shall be made
Of him who was the ornament of his time.
Then all of a sudden he shall give so great a light
That for that age he shall make them to be most contented.
Well, it's been 500 years since his birth, and Nostradamus' prophecies have never not been a hot topic. So we'd say he got this prophecy wrong.
Then again, maybe it's our interpretation that's wrong. A sly one, that Nostradamus.
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