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Forum de Nostradamus
Iran has the bomb
publié par Optimus, le 02-04-2004 Ten minutes fresh news
Reuters :
"The U.N. atomic watchdog has found traces of bomb-grade uranium in Iran at sites other than the two already named"
"Tehran told the U.N. body the contaminated centrifuge components originally came from Pakistan. The IAEA has asked Pakistan to let it take samples of Pakistani HEU in order to verify Tehran's explanation. "
The following quatrains and parts of the Epistle to Henry should be brought together with the above news.
The arks built by the Warriors of ancient times will accompany them to the waves of Neptune.
(My interrpretation : At the turn of the astrological era - see my justification below)
In the Adriatic great discord will arise, and that which will have been united will be separated. To a house will be reduced that which was, and is, a great city, including "Pampotamia" and "Mesopotamia" of Europe at 45, and others of 41, 42 and 37 degrees.
(War in Iraq and other Middle East places)
And in this time & these regions, the infernal power will set against the Church of Jesus Christ the power of the laws of its opponents; And this will constitute the second Antichrist, who will persecute this Church and its true Vicar by the means of the temporal kings power, who will in their ignorance be seduced by the speeches that will cut sharper than any sword in the hands of the insensible.
(Al Qaïda, the Antichrist, will strike while the stupid Western leaders will remain dumb)
The aforementioned reign of the Antichrist will last only until the coming of the one born at the beginning of the (new) age & on the other end at the city of Plancus (Grenoble), associated with the elected one of the House of Modena Fulcy, through Ferrare, maintained by the Adriatic Ligurians, & the proximity of great Tinacry.
(Attacks in France and Italy)
The Gallic Ogmios will be accompanied by so great a number that the Empire of his great law will extend very far. For some time thereafter the blood of the Innocent will be shed profusely by the recently elevated guilty ones. Then, because of great floods, the memory of things contained in these instruments will suffer incalculable loss, even letters. This will happen to the "Aquiloners" [the Northern People] by the will of God.
(Moslem attack against Nato - Nothern Atlantic Organisation is the Aquilon which means "wind from the North" and explicitely includes England in one quatrain and points to the entire West in 2.91)
Once again Satan will be bound, universal peace will be established among men, and the Church of Jesus Christ will be delivered from all tribulations, although the Philistines would like to mix in the honey of malice and their pestilent seduction.
(no comment)
This will be near the seventh millenary, when the sanctuary of Jesus Christ will no longer be trodden down by the infidels who come from "Aquilon" [the North]. The world will be approaching a great conflagration, although, according to my calculations in my prophecies, the course of time runs much further.
(The seventh millenary refers to the seventh astrological era, that of Neptune and Pisces as stated in H092 above and again in the following quatrain. Neptune is symbolized by the great number 7th, counting counterclockwise starting with virgin equal to one.)
The year of the great seventh number accomplished,"
It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter:
"Not far from the great millennial age,"
When the buried will go out from their tombs.
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