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Forum de Nostradamus
How to read the Centuries
publié par Laury, le 09-03-1991
God may bring into being divine works, which are absolute; there is another level, that of angelic works; and a third way, that of the evildoers.
" : " has a special meaning in the Centuries. This is exposed in "Reasons for encoding" on this website.
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How to read the Centuries
publié par Laury, le 24-03-1991
Most of them have been integrated with astronomical calculations corresponding to the years, months and weeks of the regions, countries and most of the towns and cities of all Europe, including Africa and part of Asia, where most of all these coming events are to transpire. They are composed in a natural manner.
Most of the quatrains were dated according to some astrological calculations that were adapted according to the geography. The prophecies concern Africa, Europe and a part of Asia. America is forgotten although it is explicitly named in Quatrain 10-66. The Christians space is Nostradamus' major preoccupations.
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How to read the Centuries
publié par Laury, le 07-04-1991
Indeed, someone, who would do well to blow his nose, may reply that the rhythm is as easy as the sense is difficult. That, O Most Humane king, is because most of the prophetic quatrains are so ticklish that there is no making way through them, nor is there any interpreting of them.
Nostradamus must have been hurt by some attacks that pertain to the quality of his rhymes. And he is aware of the near impossibility to interpret many of his quatrains. He explains that it was not easy for him because of some particular writing constraints that are greater than for ordinary poets.
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How to read the Centuries
publié par Laury, le 21-04-1991
Nevertheless, I wanted to leave a record in writing of the years, towns, cities and regions in which most of the events will come to pass, even those of the year 1585 and of the year 1606, reckoning from the present time, which is March 14, 1557,
Nostradamus wants to leave a trace of the years, cities and regions, he says - and this is very legitimate and natural - otherwise, why write? With an attentive reading and a deep thinking over the meaning of this sentence, one may find that it contains a "decodating" (decoding of dates) key.
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How to read the Centuries
publié par Laury, le 06-05-1991
I have calculated and composed all during choice hours of well-disposed days, and as accurately as I could, all when Minerva was free and not unfavorable.
Nostradamus has a non-linear system based on astrology. If the "hours of election" mean "those of his choice". It could say that the system is intuitive without an absolute mathematical rigor and exactness.
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How to read the Centuries
publié par Laury, le 20-05-1991
I have made computations for events over almost as long a period to come as that which has already passed, and by these they will know in all regions what is to happen in the course of time, just as it is written, with nothing superfluous added, although some may say, There can be no truth entirely determined concerning the future.
Nostradamus predicts the future as much as he guesses the past. He projects himself in the future according to the past events which, he thinks, start over at predefined intervals because of the planetary cycles. This would not mean that he thinks that everything is perfectly reproduced from one cycle to the next, but the mood is. Even if he says that the entire world is of interest to him, it is mainly the Western World that keeps his mind working. The future can be predicted and modified, he explains This would be the case with unpleasant prophecies that would be avoided.
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How to read the Centuries
publié par Laury, le 03-06-1991
It is quite true, Sire, that my natural instinct has been inherited from my forebears, who did not believe in predicting, and that this is natural instinct has been adjusted and integrated with long calculations. At the same time, I freed my soul, mind and heart of all care, solicitude and vexation. All of these prerequisites for presaging I achieved in part by means of the brazen tripod.
The method he employs seems to contain a dosage of calm, meditation, relaxation that come on top of an astrological technique that was inspired by the Romans.
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How to read the Centuries
publié par Laury, le 18-06-1991
Notwithstanding those who cannot contain the malignity of the evil spirit, as time elapses after my death, my writings will have more weight than during my lifetime.
The prophecies will be understood only after the events. The last one goes well beyond his death.
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How to read the Centuries
publié par Laury, le 02-07-1991
Should I, however, have made any errors in my calculation of dates, or prove unable to please everybody, I beg that your more than Imperial Majesty will forgive me. Would it please your more than Imperial Majesty to forgive me Protestant in front of God & his saints, that I pretend not to have put anything unspecified in writing in this present epistle that would be against the real Catholic faith, conferring the Astronomical calculations that are endorsed to my knowledge.
As he addresses the mysterious king Henry Secundus (mysterious according to many interpreters), he assures him of his authentic faith and admits the possibility that he may have made a few mistakes and approximations. By doing this, he takes a risk, because it was generally admitted In the 16th Century that the devil was responsible for misleading the false-prophets. So what he is doing here is to defend himself from the contentions that he would have been a victim of it. And there can be no doubt on the fact that he was very careful while writing this part - that he weighted each word. It now becomes straightforward that "protestant in front of God and his saints" means that Nostradamus was Protestant. Gratefully, the 21rst Century recognizes that hard work and initiatives give a right to a few mistakes.
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How to read the Centuries
publié par Laury, le 16-07-1991
But the danger of the times, O Most Serene King, requires that such secrets should not be bared except in enigmatic sentences having, however, only one sense and meaning, and nothing ambiguous or amphibological inserted.
His verses are not ambiguous, and they have only one meaning, he says. But this assertion requires an interpretation. As a matter of fact, all the seer contends is that the quatrains have a precise meaning - but the reader may be misled because of several possible interpretations. Enigmatic sentences are necessary because some events must remain secret until the time has come to reveal them. He also affirms that the astrology he uses cannot be criticized and that his calculations are accurate.
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