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Forum de Nostradamus
Reasons for encoding
publié par John, le 31-07-1991
The great carpet folded will not show
But by halved the greatest part of history:
"Driven far out of the realm he will appear harsh,"
So that everyone will come to believe in his warlike deed.
The "great folded carpet" ("grand tappis plié"in French) may refer to the Centuries as if they were laid down on a table (Senators have access to the "Prophecies Table" on this website). This consists in an encoding system based on symmetry. There remains the question to determine how many parts the table should be folded in, and according to what rule. Doubling the letter p in the French word tappis, which is not its usual spelling, may reveal a message. The dots after "history" could point to an explanation in the x-061 series. We should look for a symmetrical system right to left and left to right.
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Reasons for encoding
publié par John, le 14-08-1991
Never by the revelation of daylight
will he attain the mark of the scepter bearer.
"Until all his sieges are at rest,"
bringing to the Cock the gift of the armed legion.
The first two verses that have a mysterious meaning may be linked to the "decodating" system as they follow the explanation contained in the VI-061. The VII-061 is an actually missing quatrain. But it is not impossible that it is contained in the existing Centuries to be determined according to a key. The meaning seems to say that once the date is discovered, the 7th millennium should be ignored. More simply, it could state that the number 7 should be cancelled altogether. Or, it may refer to the planet Neptune. And it may also mean that the quatrains were numbered according to two independent chronological series.
The second part of the numbering concerns the quatrain, and the first refers to the Century. The sentence seems to point to the 7th Century to mean that 12 of the missing quatrains, from 7-53 to 7-64, describe the 7th millennium. The French word "Sceptrifere" spelling refers not only to number 7 (sept in French) but also 3 (tri) and metal (fer). There is a hidden meaning which translates into "Seven-Tri-Iron-Rod". The special meaning refers to the age of Neptune with his metal trident ruling rod. Starting the count from the sign of the Virgin (virgo) and going counter clockwise, as is done for astrological eras, leads to the era of Fish (Pisces) which is precisely that of Neptune (year +-0 to +-2000): Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries,Pisces ...etc. There are some missing clues that must be found in other quatrains. These can be identified easily since they are not historical or prophetic. (to be followed).
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Reasons for encoding
publié par Laury, le 28-08-1991
Your late arrival, Cesar Nostradame my son, has made me spend my a lot of time in constant attention at night left in writing, and leave you remembrance, after the body extinction of your parent, for the benefit of mankind what the divine essence has given me to know by means of astronomical revolutions.
Your late arrival only refers to the fact that Cesar is much younger than his father. The child is still in his mother's womb or just an infant. Nostradamus had two children from a first wife, but all were killed by the plague. Nothing enables to give any credit to the hypothesis that he would be addressing some mysterious character of the future. It is only natural for a new father to dedicate his book to his child.
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Reasons for encoding
publié par Laury, le 11-09-1991
And since it pleased the Almighty's will that you were not brought in the natural light and earthly place, & I do not want to tell your years that are not yet several, but of the Martial [March / war] months unable to grasp in your feeble understanding [mind] the works I shall be compelled to persue after my [in my old] days:
The tone seems to lack respect, but it doesn't in any way whatsoever. His son's incapacity to understand astrology will force Nostradamus to continue to work "after his days", meaning while he should have retired. "Feeble brain" points to a fetus or an infant, and it is undoubtedly that of his son Cesar. Some interpreters contend that Cesar is someone else than his son, but they find no justification. The important thing in this passage is that the seer exhorts the reader to be informed about astrology.
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Reasons for encoding
publié par Laury, le 26-09-1991
because it is not possible to leave you in writing what the insult of time will destroy: Since the inheritable word of the occult prediction will be intermingled inside my entrails. [refers to the Roman practice that consisted in reading the future in animal intestines]:
Aware of the never ending work of his opponents, Nostradamus encoded his writing in order not to provoke censorship - if there exists a unique encoding system, nobody can yet pretend to have found it: But there isn't one, because several. The part on his stomach is quite difficult to grasp. The Romans predicted the future by reading in the entrails of animals: If this is the meaning of it, then he would be saying that he left no other writing but the Centuries. But the term stomach can also symbolize an object. Several hints he left allow thinking that the key is also to be found somewhere else than in the Centuries.
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Reasons for encoding
publié par Laury, le 10-10-1991
having considered to remain silent & to let go of my commitment to write because of the insult not only of the present time but also most of the future. Since reigns, sects [churches] & religions will undergo such sweeping changes, sometimes diametrically, as regards to the present,
The "insult of time" comes down to a cultural shock. All will be revolutionized. And he was right.
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Reasons for encoding
publié par Laury, le 24-10-1991
Bear in mind also the real Saviour's words, Nolite sanctum dare canibus, nec mittatis margaritas ante porcos ne conculcent pedibus & conuersi dirumpant vos [Do not give anything holy to the dogs, and do not throw pearls to pigs, in fear that they trample them and, as they turn against you, tear you apart]. This was the reason for me to keep my tongue away from the audience & my pen from paper:
The prophecies should not be put in everyone's hands.
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Reasons for encoding
publié par Laury, le 08-11-1991
Then I wished to spread my words fo the common's advent the future causes by means of ambiguous and enigmatic sentences, as well as the most immediate ones, & those that I perceived [saw], whatever the human mutations to come must not outrage the auricular's fragility [not be considered as a lack respect], & on the whole written in a nebulous form, rather than with a prophetic style.
The success of the prophecies is only a secondary motivation for the prophet. It is the king's and queen that he addresses. The future changes, if they were known, would come to scandalize the king and pope.
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Reasons for encoding
publié par Laury, le 22-11-1991
to the extent that, Abscondisti hæc à sapientibus, & prudentibus, id est potentibus & regibus, & enucleasti ea exiguis & tenuibus [You have hidden these things from the wise and the circumspect, that is from the mighty and the rulers, but you have revealed them to the small and weak] & to prophets by the means of immortal God, & good angels have received the spirit of divination, by which they see the distant causes, & come to foretell the future events,
It may be wiser to inform the people on the times to come than the rulers.
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Reasons for encoding
publié par Laury, le 06-12-1991
So much so that persons of future times may be seen in present ones, because God Almighty has wished to reveal them by means of images, together with various secrets of the future vouchsafed to orthodox astrology, as was the case in the past, so that a measure of power and divination passed through them, the flame of the spirit inspiring them to pronounce upon inspiration both human and divine.
Some have the ability to predict, others don't. That's all there is to it.
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Reasons for encoding
publié par Laury, le 21-12-1991
God may bring into being divine works, which are absolute; there is another level, that of angelic works; and a third way, that of the evildoers.
The prophecies are not clear because of the bad usage that can be made of them. But what strikes the most in this part is that the "3rd the evil one" makes no sense at all and apparently refers to nothing. A "second" should precede the "third", and to find it requires to go back far upstream in the text. This is a good occasion to start some heavy thinking about the punctuation marks in the Centuries. The special characters " : " and " & " have a peculiar meaning. " : " means "to be followed" like in some data processing languages that use it as an instruction for a subroutine. It is only necessary to determine the logical origin of the sentence which is sometimes placed just before, and others far before. Inversely, "&" states that two propositions are strictly bound to one another.
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Reasons for encoding
publié par Laury, le 04-01-1992
And so once again, my son, if I have eschewed the word prophet, I do not wish to attribute to myself such lofty title at the present time, for whoever is called a prophet now was once called a seer; since a prophet, my son, is properly speaking one who sees distant things through a natural knowledge of all creatures.
Nostradamus is certain that he will attain after his death the statute of a prophet. And if this is a prophecy, it is now close to being completed. Some Americans and Europeans refer to him as "The Prophet", which is the way Moslems refer to Mohamed. But the term does not have here the same religious connotation.
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Reasons for encoding
publié par Laury, le 18-01-1992
But the danger of the times, O Most Serene King, requires that such secrets should not be bared except in enigmatic sentences having, however, only one sense and meaning, and nothing ambiguous or amphibological inserted.
The "insult of time" means that the king would feel insulted by his revelations over the future. And looking back at history, it is a fact.
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Reasons for encoding
publié par Laury, le 02-02-1992
It is much like seeing in a burning mirror, with clouded vision, the great events, sad, prodigious and calamitous events that in due time fall through the principal worshippers. First, through (by / of) the temples of God; secondly, through (by / of) those who, sustained by the earth, approach such a decadence. Also a thousand other calamitous events which will be known to happen in due time.
In a way that is completely opposite to the previous one, this part seems not to be finished. It would require a "third". Nostradamus explains where and how his visions come to him. They arrive like in a mirror, through the eyes of religious people of distant future times, and from the ordinary people of times of decadence. The term "seeing like in a burning mirror" conceals a meaning that the code consists in inverting the sequence of the reading from right to left. Although, this is one of many possibilities only.
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