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Forum de Nostradamus
New sects
publié par Laury, le 08-03-1993
Filled with plague, the sects will keep on fighting,
Moderate times, winter not very harsh,
Of worship & sermon grieve debate,
Flood rivers, mortal wounds all around.
Could refer to the 21rst Century (eventually).
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New sects
publié par Laury, le 23-03-1993
The public enemies, marriage and feasts,
Death after that, enriched by the dead,
The great friends to show the way,
Two sects discussing, surprised by late remorse.
New understanding among two sects, to the benefit of both.
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New sects
publié par Laury, le 06-04-1993
that if I were to relate what the future will be, those in reigns, sects, religions & faiths would find it so badly unpleasing to their auricular finger's fantasy [kissing the king and pope's tiny finger was a mark of respect], that they would end up condemning what centuries to come will know, understand, see and perceive. [reveals his depth of visions].
Seems to correspond to the French revolution period.
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New sects
publié par Laury, le 20-04-1993
The youngest of them will sustain and augment the Christian monarchy, and under him sects will be elevated, and suddenly cast down, Arabs will be driven back, kingdoms united and new laws promulgated.
Potentially referring to the role of America for the Christians world.
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