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Forum de Nostradamus
Games of slaughter
publié par Visiteur, le 17-01-1994 Posted by Dupont & Dupond (unregistered) in the "Textes & Quatrains" section:
"The year of the great seventh number accomplished,"
It will appear at the time of the games of slaughter:
"Not far from the great millennial age,"
When the buried will go out from their tombs.
Potentially the Olympic games: 1898 = 7th millennium= year 6000 when considering the beginning of the world claimed by Nostradamus in the Letter to Henry (-4102 or -4092).
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Games of slaughter
publié par Optimus, le 31-01-1994
"Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracuse,"
"New tyrants, celestial lightning fires:"
"Force from London, Ghent, Brussels and Susa,"
"Great slaughter, triumph leads to festivities."
Olympic games or soccer world cup - linked to the theme of Theater.
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Games of slaughter
publié par John, le 15-02-1994
"The new sports set up again in Gaul,"
After victory in the Insubrian campaign:
"Mountains of Hesperia, the great ones tied and trussed up:"
Romania and Spain to tremble with fear.
Olympic games rebirth 100 years ago.
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Games of slaughter
publié par John, le 01-03-1994
"The unhappy abandoned one will die of grief,"
His conqueress will celebrate the hecatomb:
"Pristine law, free edict drawn up,"
The wall and the Prince falls on the seventh day.
Seems to confirm that the tomb or Column falls on the crowd on the 7th day after the earthquake.
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Games of slaughter
publié par Laury, le 15-03-1994
"The King exposed will complete the slaughter,"
After having discovered his origin:
"Torrent to open the tomb of marble and lead,"
Of a great Roman with Medusine device.
Seems to mean that following an earthquake, there will be many deaths because of the tomb. Otherwise, it could be that some politician does something really stupid. The quatrain may also be linked to the theme of the crown legitimacy. No certainty is possible.
Ref.: Human carnageS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet