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Forum de Nostradamus
Middle East
publié par Raul Lence King, le 16-09-1996
The third climate included under Aries
"The year 1727 in October,"
The King of Persia captured by those of Egypt:
"Conflict, death, loss: to the cross great shame."
Potentially refers to the loss of the real cross during the crusades.
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Middle East
publié par John, le 30-09-1996
"The Sabaean tear no longer at its high price,"
"Turning human flesh into ashes through death,"
"At the isle of Pharos disturbed by the Crusaders,"
When at Rhodes will appear a hard phantom.
The French word Croissar would either mean crusade (croisade) or crescent (croissant) - referring to Moslems in one way or the other.
Ref.: Middle East propheciesS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet