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Forum de Nostradamus
Arabic empire and kings
publié par Raul Lence King, le 12-11-1998
Libyan Prince powerful in the West
Will come to inflame very much French with Arabian.
Learned in letters condescending he will
Translate the Arabian language into French.
Libya is a good candidate for the Final Conflict. It just pulled out of the Arabic League on the basis that it is not radical enough against Israel and that the Jews are better dead than alive. Libya and France agree on a central issue: Both are fundamentally racist anti-Jews, whether present, past and future ones; This is a bad oracle for France according to the Bible.
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Arabic empire and kings
publié par John, le 26-11-1998
Of Trojan blood will be born a Germanic heart
Who will rise to very high power:
"He will drive out the foreign Arabic people,"
Returning the Church to its pristine pre-eminence.
These are the words of the Letter to Henry where Nostradamus forecasts a Great Conflict that will involve a "Great Mastin" (watchdog), a terrible Persian, the Christians persecution and the Arab world in general.
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Arabic empire and kings
publié par John, le 11-12-1998
"At daybreak at the second crowing of the cock,"
"Those of Tunis, of Fez and of Bougie,"
"By the Arabs the King of Morocco captured,"
"The year sixteen hundred and seven, of the Liturgy."
This event supposed to happen in the year 1606 seems to really belong to a much further future. Should it be seen as the Ben Barkha plot, or a more recent struggle against the established power of Morocco. The Turkish invasions would start again in a new way.
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Arabic empire and kings
publié par Johny, le 25-12-1998
During this astrological supputation, harmonized with the Holy Scriptures, the persecution of the Ecclesiastical folk will have its origin in the power of the Kings of "Aquilon" [the North], united with the Easterners. This persecution will last for eleven years, or somewhat less, for then the chief King of "Aquilon" will fall.
Aquilon corresponds to the definition of the Antichrist.
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Arabic empire and kings
publié par Visiteur, le 03-03-2010 Posted by Non-Inscrit / unidentified (unregistered) in the "Textes & Quatrains" section:
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Arabic empire and kings
publié par Visiteur, le 03-03-2010 Posted by Non-Inscrit / unidentified (unregistered) in the "Textes & Quatrains" section:
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