After this the barren Dame, of greater power than the second, will be received by two of the nations. First, by them made obstinate by the onetime masters of the universe. Second, by the latter themselves. The third people will extend their forces towards the circuit of the East of Europe where, in the Pannonias, they will be overwhelmed and slaughtered. By sea they will extend their Myrmidons and Germans to Adriatic Sicily. But they will succumb wholly and the Barbarian sect will be greatly afflicted and driven out by all the Latins.
About the old ladies: Refer to the US secretary of state comments on old Europe, as opposed to the new one. The oldest (loved) daughter of the church is France, and she is now an old lady that is declining (while at the same time talking so much about America's downfall). It is true that only very old inflexible men have been governing that country. Chirac is 74, Mitterand died while in office, De Gaulle had 3 lives before power, Pompidou died at an old age while in office. Only Giscard was young. But the French quickly got rid of him.
The Far East