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Forum de Nostradamus
Empires and emperors
publié par John, le 03-05-1999
"After a rest they will travel to Epirus,"
great help coming from around Antioch.
"The curly haired king will strive greatly for the Empire,"
the brazen beard will be roasted on a spit.
Hannibal eventually.
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Empires and emperors
publié par John, le 17-05-1999
The false message about the rigged election
to run through the city stopping the broken pact;
"voices bought, chapel stained with blood,"
the empire contracted to another one.
Napoleon was elected with 3,6 millions votes drawn out of a hat. Then he ruined Europe, threw it on its knees, covered it with blood. His misdoings are still considered heroic by many nostalgic thinkers of the Republic in France and among third world naives that refuse to look at reality. England at the time of the Napoleonic invasions was very much more democratic than France and has remained so ever since. It is a fact that the French cannot see. The second Antichrist was French, and it is not impossible that a new one will come from there too.
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Empires and emperors
publié par John, le 31-05-1999
"From simple soldier he will attain to Empire,"
from the short robe he will grow into the long.
"Brave in arms, much worse towards the Church,"
he vexes the priests as water fills a sponge.
It can be Trojan or Napoleon (most likely).
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