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Forum de Nostradamus
Other dynasties
publié par Laury, le 11-08-1999
"The shadow of the realm of Navarre untrue,"
It will make his life one of fate unlawful:
"The vow made in Cambrai wavering,"
King OrlÚans will give a lawful wall.
The Navarian (Henry IV) and the Orléanais (French text) were near unknown at the time of Nostradamus.
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Other dynasties
publié par John, le 25-08-1999
The elder sister of the British Isle
"Will be born fifteen years before her brother,"
"Because of her promise procuring verification,"
She will succeed to the kingdom of the balance.
France being the "Church oldest daughter", then England would be its small sister.
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Other dynasties
publié par Laury, le 09-09-1999
"He who will open the tomb found,"
"And will come to close it promptly,"
"Evil will come to him, and one will be unable to prove,"
If it would be better to be a Breton or Norman King.
Could it be that Bretueil names a Bourbon or Navarrian. Not impossible. Nostradamus must have perceived the consequences of Catherine de Médicis' absence of grand children. And maybe the seer was involved in some sort of a plot against the royal dynasty.
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Other dynasties
publié par Laury, le 23-09-1999
"The King exposed will complete the slaughter,"
After having discovered his origin:
"Torrent to open the tomb of marble and lead,"
Of a great Roman with Medusine device.
Torrent indicates that the tomb is located in the mountains or that it will be discovered on a day of floods.
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