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Forum de Nostradamus
The elected and appointed
publié par Raul Lence King, le 22-10-1999
"When the sepulcher of the great Roman is found,"
The day after a Pontiff will be elected:
Scarcely will he be approved by the Senate
"Poisoned, his blood in the sacred chalice."
This is an important quatrain linked to the series of the x66, which the 6-6-6 belongs to.
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The elected and appointed
publié par John, le 05-11-1999
Quarrels and new schism by the red hats
When the Sabine will have been elected:
"They will produce great sophism against him,"
And Rome will be injured by those of Alba.
So, we should expect a Sabine pope and a new schism in the Catholic church. This Corroborates the interpretation of the 6-6-6.
Ref.: The elected and appointedS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet
The elected and appointed
publié par John, le 19-11-1999
The great fish will come to complain and weep
"for having chosen, deceived concerning his age:"
"he will hardly want to remain with them,"
he will be deceived by those (speaking) his own tongue.
The term age has been used at another point in the Centuries to refer to the turn of a millennium.
Ref.: The elected and appointedS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet
The elected and appointed
publié par John, le 03-12-1999
"a fox will be elected without speaking one word,"
"appearing saintly in public living on barley bread,"
afterwards he will suddenly become a tyrant
putting his foot on the throats of the greatest men.
Potential indication of dissensions between Nostradamus and the Catholic Church.
Ref.: The elected and appointedS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet
The elected and appointed
publié par Laury, le 18-12-1999
"A death conspired will come to its full effect,"
the charge given and the voyage of death.
"Elected, created, received ( then ) defeated by its followers,"
in remorse the blood of innocence in front of him.
A pope that is thrown out by the clergy: There has been no such event up to this point in the history of the Church. Still to come.
Ref.: The elected and appointedS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet
The elected and appointed
publié par Laury, le 01-01-2000
"By night will come through the forest of Reines,"
"Two couples roundabout route Queen the white stone,"
The monk king in gray in Varennes:
"Elected Capet causes tempest, fire, blood, slice."
The elected one would be Hugues Capet, a French king, first of the Capetian line. He is mentioned several times in the Centuries. During the revolution, the king was still referred to as a Capetian although he didn't have much left with them.
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The elected and appointed
publié par Laury, le 15-01-2000
The decorated indignant one will fear the great fire
The elected first, of the captives not to return
Great low of the world the Italian not at ease
Barb. Ister, Malt & The Buy not to return Italian
It's a pope.
Ref.: The elected and appointedS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet
The elected and appointed
publié par Laury, le 30-01-2000
The noise will be vain, the faltering ones bundled up,
The Shaven Ones captured: the all-powerful One elected:
The two Reds and four true crusaders to fail,
Rain troublesome to the powerful Monarch.
This quatrain indicates that red crusader and raze are Templars (the Pope's military order of crusaders).
Ref.: The elected and appointedS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet
The elected and appointed
publié par Laury, le 13-02-2000
With the place chosen, the Shaved Ones will not be contented,
Led from Lake Geneva, unproven,
They will cause the old times to be renewed:
They will expose the frighten off the plot so well hatched.
Is this a reference to the sect of Templars (crusaders) - or to the order.
Ref.: The elected and appointedS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet
The elected and appointed
publié par Johny, le 27-02-2000
The aforementioned reign of the Antichrist will last only until the coming of the one born at the beginning of the (new) age & on the other end at the city of Plancus (Grenoble), associated with the elected one of the House of Modena Fulcy, through Ferrare, maintained by the Adriatic Ligurians, & the proximity of great Tinacry.
The elected / appointed one is linked to the Antichrist : Pope, Republican from France or both allied together. An Antichrist is one who persecutes the religion of Christ, which obviously France has in mind to do.
Ref.: The elected and appointedS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet
The elected and appointed
publié par Visiteur, le 12-03-2010 Posted by Non-Inscrit / unidentified (unregistered) in the "Textes & Quatrains" section:
Un jeune pape après jean paul 2(JPII), faux...c'est ratzinger qui a remporté la mise...Nostre d'anne?S'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet
The elected and appointed
publié par Visiteur, le 12-03-2010 Posted by Non-Inscrit / unidentified (unregistered) in the "Textes & Quatrains" section:
Mon dieu le carnage, absolument pas un jour après a été elu Benoit16, 17 jours après...Nostra dammus?S'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet
The elected and appointed
publié par Visiteur, le 12-03-2010 Posted by Non-Inscrit / unidentified (unregistered) in the "Textes & Quatrains" section:
Les inuits en pole arctique...affligeant.S'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet