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Forum de Nostradamus
The Celts
publié par Raul Lence King, le 15-09-2000
The Gallic King through his Celtic right arm
Seeing the discord of the great Monarchy:
"He will cause his scepter to flourish over the three parts,"
Against the cope of the great Hierarchy.
The Gauls (Roman Gauls) are distinct from the Celtics.
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The Celts
publié par Raul Lence King, le 29-09-2000
The exiles will come into Sicily
To deliver form hunger the strange nation:
At daybreak the Celts will fail them:
Life remains by reason: the King joins.
Americans in Lyon. The Eagle symbol leaves only little doubt.
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The Celts
publié par John, le 13-10-2000
"The impotent Prince angry, complaints and quarrels,"
"Rape and pillage, by cocks and Africans:"
"Great it is by land, by sea infinite sails,"
Italy alone will be chasing Celts.
Seems to correspond to the Antichrist - Great Conflict.
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The Celts
publié par John, le 28-10-2000
"Before the coming of Celtic ruin,"
In the temple two will parley
"Pike and dagger to the heart of one mounted on the steed,"
They will bury the great one without making any noise.
Hell, the Celtic ruin ! And this could represent England and the USA.
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The Celts
publié par Wynweg, le 08-02-2005
les celtes sont venus des contrés orientales. du nord par l'écosse , par l'irlande par le breatgne jusqu'en galice.. Les celtes sont des voyageurs.. les derniers royaumes, bretons, irlande, ecosse... 4.63 Il s'agirait d'armée revolutionnaire bretonne(environ 1789) contre les montagnarsS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet