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Forum de Nostradamus

The Eagle
publié par Visiteur, le 19-02-2001
Posted by Dupont & Dupond (unregistered) in the "Textes & Quatrains" section:

"The bird of prey flying to the left,"
"before battle is joined with the French, he makes preparations."
"Some will regard him as good, others bad or uncertain."
The weaker party will regard him as a good omen.

Reference to an oracle.

Ref.: The Eagle

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The Eagle
publié par John, le 05-03-2001

From the three water signs will be born a man
who will celebrate Thursday as his holiday.
"His renown, praise, rule and power will grow"
"on land and sea, bringing trouble to the East."

This gives a valuable indication on the three brothers identity that would be Arabs.

Ref.: The Eagle

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The Eagle
publié par Raul Lence King, le 20-03-2001

The Eagle driven back around the tents
Will be chased from there by other birds:
"When the noise of cymbals, trumpets and bells"
Will restore the senses of the senseless lady.

Remake of the Twin Towers but with military airplanes, and explosion followed by chaos.

Ref.: The Eagle

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The Eagle
publié par John, le 03-04-2001

To proclaim the victory of the great expanding Selin:
"By the Romans will the Eagle be demanded,"
"Pavia, Milan and Genoa will not consent thereto,"
Then by themselves the great Lord claimed.

This eagle is clearly Roman. But Rome may also represent the Occident.

Ref.: The Eagle

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The Eagle
publié par John, le 17-04-2001

"Paul the celibate will die three leagues from Rome,"
the two nearest flee the oppressed monster.
"When Mars will take up his horrible throne,"
"the Cock and the Eagle, France and the three brothers."

This could be a reference to a Roman Triumviri , in which case, the Cock would be a Gauls leader (Roman Gauls). But it could also refer to events still to come.

Ref.: The Eagle

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