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Forum de Nostradamus
The banned
publié par John, le 16-05-2001
"The number of astrologers will grow so great,"
"that they will be driven out, banned and their books censored."
In the year 1607 by sacred assemblies
so that none will be safe from the holy ones.
Many analysts contend that this refers to the repression of astrologists and that it is confirmed by history. But the year 1606 does not stand out more than the rest of history for that matter. Much more significative would have been to mention the situation +- 120 years later under Louis XIV when astrology became completely forbidden. If this event has any validity, it is to be considered to belong to another chronology as some hints seem to show. The date is linked to the kidnapping of the King of Morocco in another quatrain, and it did not happen yet !
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