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Forum de Nostradamus
Emperor Trojan
publié par Optimus, le 28-06-2003
"The field of the temple of the vestal virgin,"
Not far from Elne and the Pyrenees mountains:
The great tube is hidden in the trunk.
To the north rivers overflown and vines battered.
The "camp of the Vestal Virgin" must point to Rome. Ethne could point to Greece - the Pyrenees have nothing to do with the long pathway. But in a symbolic language, the camp of the Vestal Virgin could refer to the Catholics as opposed to Protestants - these were the real preoccupations of the 16th Century at the time of Nostradamus, and it is hard to imagine that he used the term Virgin without thinking at some point to the Virgin Mary.
Ref.: Emperor TrojanS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet
Emperor Trojan
publié par Raul Lence King, le 12-07-2003
"When the sepulcher of the great Roman is found,"
The day after a Pontiff will be elected:
Scarcely will he be approved by the Senate
"Poisoned, his blood in the sacred chalice."
This is an important quatrain linked to the series of the x66, which the 6-6-6 belongs to.
Ref.: Emperor TrojanS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet
Emperor Trojan
publié par Raul Lence King, le 26-07-2003
The Sun hidden eclipsed by Mercury
Will be placed only second in the sky:
"Of Vulcan Hermes will be made into food,"
"The Sun will be seen pure, glowing red and golden."
Vulcan means fire, fair soil / ground is the beach, eclipse symbolizes death => It is referring to a Roman funerary procession with cremation on the beach: Trojan's.
Ref.: Emperor TrojanS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet
Emperor Trojan
publié par John, le 10-08-2003
"Under the ancient vestal edifices,"
Not far from the ruined aqueduct:
"The glittering metals are of the Sun and Moon,"
The lamp of Trajan engraved with gold burning.
In Rome, the remains of the emperor Trojan would still be under his Column or the Temple of Vestals. Some excavations that have been under way for 105 years in the area have not yet revealed anything of the such.
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Emperor Trojan
publié par John, le 24-08-2003
"At the place where HIERON has his ship built,"
"there will be such a great sudden flood,"
"that one will not have a place nor land to fall upon,"
the waters mount to the Olympic Fesulan.
Hieron=Roman Chief or Numid leader during the second Punic war - year BC215.
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Emperor Trojan
publié par John, le 07-09-2003
At the fourth pillar which they dedicate to Saturn
split by earthquake and by flood;
under Saturn's building an urn is found
gold carried off by Caepio and then restored.
Linked to Romans, April earthquake and replicas in May, treasure, catastrophes and urn (vase).
Ref.: Emperor TrojanS'inscrireConnexionPrivéNouveau sujet