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Forum de Nostradamus
Orphan Quatrains
publié par Optimus, le 22-09-2003
"The young lion will overcome the older one,"
in a field of combat in single fight:
He will pierce his eyes in their golden cage;
"two wounds in one, then he dies a cruel death."
Death of the king Henry II in an accident during a tornament. This quatrain contributed to Nostradamus fame.
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Orphan Quatrains
publié par Raul Lence King, le 06-10-2003
"Mabus then will soon die, there will come"
Of people and beasts a horrible rout:
"Then suddenly one will see vengeance,"
"Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run."
This quatrain became famous after a certain website insisted to see in the word Mabus the anagram of Sadam. But seriously, wher should this quatrain be placed?
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Orphan Quatrains
publié par Raul Lence King, le 20-10-2003
The great Bailiff of OrlÚans put to death
Will be by one of blood revengeful:
"Of death deserved he will not die, nor by chance:"
He made captive poorly by his feet and hands.
Il s'agit d'un quatrain de la série 66 qui pourrait ne rien avoir avec les maux prévus pour l'humanité.
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Orphan Quatrains
publié par Raul Lence King, le 03-11-2003
"The city taken through deceit and guile,"
Taken in by means of a handsome youth:
"Assault given by the Robine near the Aude,"
He and all dead for having thoroughly deceived.
Must have to do with well known historical events.
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Orphan Quatrains
publié par Laury, le 18-11-2003
Death & held, the uncaring change it
Will get away by coming close the strongest,
Will be united in ruin, warehouse,
Obtaining help long surprised the strongest;
Almanachs really seem to be less significant for prophecy. Seem to refer exclusively to the XVIth Century.
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