I am a bit confused by some news that come from France.
While on a visit to Japan, French President Chirac solemnly announced that he will override the arms embargo against China. His declaration came 1 week after Condoleeza Rice warned about the consequences of such a move. The White House administration past months efforts to come back to a serene relationship with the French prove to be worthless. The cheesecakes understood that the appeased American foreign policy towards them was a sign of a surrender. This is upfront abuse!
France behaves as if it was entitled to do anything it wants in the world; and this includes some repeated acts of war against the USA. The depraved French people of the crumbling republic of France are carrying out a systematic strife to undermine all of the White House administration attempts to create a safer world environment that will assure our security.
We are now well aware that the majority of the French hate the USA and its people while envying their way of life and dominant position in the world. Greed and hatred against our country motivates their decision to proceed with the arms sale. And this should sound very unjust to most of us.
We provided 70 years of extra-time to the French through the sacrifice of our soldiers killed in combat on French soil, support against the threat of a Soviet invasion during the cold war and determination to bring stability to their continent. We should now realize that the French seize every single opportunity to provoke us on military grounds and damage our relationship with them. Much of their military capability results from our transfers to them during the cold war. But our friendship only engaged us.
We are faced with a dilemma. France represents a very dangerous threat because of its heavy nuclear power and modern armament occasionally directed against us. The Chinese will soon be equipped with a French weaponry to threaten Japan, Korea, Taiwan and our Asian allies. It is the US continued commercial strategy of openness towards China that is now endangered.
Considering its today's growth rate of 8% per year , China will inevitably reach the state of a major military power in about 25 years. But with the help of the French, this could happen 10 years before. We must move swiftly first to give ourselves the required extra 10 years to press China to bow to human rights. No one threatens China, so the arms sales are not justified, and we cannot stay put on that one.
Mr Bush must look after our security further down the road than the next 10 years. The right signal to send to France before it's too late is: war?. Our people should stop thinking about France in terms of a romantic friendly country. That France ceased to exist back in 1958 and there is nothing left to hope from it today. The White House priority should aim to neutralize its threat, for the longer we wait for the inevitable, the harsher it will be on us in the end. And this is only 10 to 25 years away.
So let me also say that I am not a warmonger, just a layman questioning the French intentions towards the USA. The frog thinks it's bigger than a bull, but a kick on its head should bring it back to some sense of reality.