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Charter to France for the Kerry partisans
publié par John, le 04-11-2004
Internet is where the defeated anti-Bush democrats anonymously express their aversion for democracy and democratic elections. If I read their nonsense stories right, many of them do not think they have a place left in America anymore.

Let me suggest:

If the French were good in anything, they would accept them all as reverse flood immigration. In addition, it would be nice from the Bush administration to offer them a one-way plane ticket.

But let me tell you! Knowing France, I take on all the bets that 95% of them will be back within a year. For America is now one good place to be in as it has been for 2 centuries. They will soon realize this.
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Yummy French food for democrats
publié par Kendall, le 04-11-2004
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