Morgellons und Chemtrails - mit C. E. Carnicom und Dr. G. Scott
youtube point com/watch?v=LU4_AnNEa4c (ce lien ne fonctionne plus, essayez plutôt la vidéo suivante du même auteur)
citation : Chemtrails: Prophylaxe und Morgellons - Man möchte uns Töten!!!
Seien Sie gewarnt: Dieser Artikel ist nichts für schwache Nerven. Eine neuartige Krankheit namens Morgellons verbreitet nicht nur in den USA Angst und Schrecken. Als Ursache vermutet man Chemtrails und/oder genmanipulierte Nahrung..
Morgellons-Fasern wachsen aus der Haut (rechts) Die farbigen Fasern (oben) konnte nicht einmal das FBI analysieren. Molekularbiologe Prof. Randy Wymore (Bild) ist alarmiert..
(!) ALEX JONES - Morgellons GMO Foods Nano Technology 4-19-11
citation : MORGELLONS MORPHOLOGY (2006 - Revised 2010
When all kinds of worldwide specimens were examined under the microscope, various body structures were visible, such as single black, glassy or colored tubuli or fibers or accumulation of various fibrils, which were even able to group together and form into a homogeneous structure or corpus.
Also present were the liquid or semi-liquid protoplasm, spores and individual cysts or bubbles, sporangia, snail, slugs or worm and insect-like structures.
citation : Morgellons Victims Across the US and Europe (Part 1)
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Over the past ten years, more than 100,000 people in the United States and in Europe have complained about a strange and devastating skin disease known as Morgellons. The medical community is divided between those who dismiss it as a psychological disorder and those who regard Morgellons as an emerging disease deserving further study. This issue would normally be confined to scientific medical journals if the Pentagon and federal "law-enforcement" agencies were not so actively engaged in hiding it from the public. In the first part of his investigation, Hank Albarelli reports on a controversy which leads straight to new weapons experiments of the most secret order.
(!!) The Facts:
citation : Did An Airline Mechanic Stumble Upon The Truth?
A.C. Griffin talks about Chemtrails
This is most of the transcript from the May 14, 2007 program, 'The Power Hour' and I'm posting it because it has some interesting information even though I question some it (i.e. he blames the Russians & praises Israel). So read it with discernment as we continue to uncover the truth.
A Brief History - Actually, the use of a syringe was first recorded during the time of the Romans by a gentleman named Celsus. Iodine is an essential element for making thyroid hormone, but iodine deficiency rarely causes hypothyroidism. If you're taking levothyroxine, you're thyroid isn't manufacturing thyroid hormone -- levothyroxine is providing an already fully formed synthetic hormone replacement. But it is important that nothing in your diet interferes with the absorption of your medication. Levothyroxine should be taken by itself on an empty stomach. Vitamins that contain calcium and iron can block the absorption of levothyroxine, as can antacids that contain aluminum hydroxide. Don't rely on diet pills to lose weight. Orlistat, the active ingredient in Alli, can also stop your body from assimilating thyroid hormone replacement. Anything that can interfere with your levothyroxine medication should be taken two to four hours after you take levothyroxine . In a report published in the Archives of Surgery, researchers say eight out of ten patients could stop taking their diabetes medications following a gastric bypass operation. So how does one rate dieting pills? There are several factors which are responsible for building the credibility of a particular lose weight pill. Various aspects such as the quality of the ingredients, safety of the products, its potential for weight loss and customer feedback, all plays a very important role. Also, the reputation of the manufacturer, various reviews by certified health professionals and dietitians and its long-term benefits should not be overlooked.
Therefore, the claims of leptin control or leptin resistance supplements appear to be misleading at this time. There may be herbs or supplements that lower leptin levels, but there is no research at this time to support such claims. Leptin diet, leptin obesity. Research has shown that diets do not work. Of course you will probably lose some weight while you're dieting, but when you stop the diet the weight returns. There are simple explanations for this. First, you are probably extremely motivated as you begin a new diet. You probably stick with it initially, even if you feel that you are starving at times. So the weight starts to come off.
Thyroid disease is a health condition that should always be managed by a licensed health care provider. If left untreated, your thyroid disease may cause unwanted health symptoms and significantly reduced quality of life. Before using dietary supplements -- a natural health approach -- to treat your thyroid disease, discuss the proper dosage and treatment duration, possible side effects and potential drug interactions with your primary care provider. Some nutritional supplements may not be appropriate for you or your condition. Oily skin often has an internal cause as much as it seems to be an external problem. Many times the body is deficient in key vitamins and minerals which help regulate the oil glands. This can occur from a refined diet or excessive caffeine or alcohol intake. Along with balancing the diet, certain supplements can be taken in order to reduce oily skin, including zinc, vitamin B2 and Epsom salts. green coffee bean extractpure green coffee extract The Cupped Handed Technique Means Dieting Never NeededIn the past, cooks used their hand when measuring portions for each person. A cupped hand should be the only weighing scales needed. Hands come in different sizes, as does fruit. Shape the hand into a cup, bringing the fingers and thumb partly closed so an apple rests comfortably in the centre. Opening the fingers even slightly means the size is too big. Use the cupped hand to measure vegetables as well. The hand is the best weighing scale and portion size will needed when preparing and eating food according to many grandparents.
Thanks for the info. How are you supposed to intake coffee beans?
I personally have added coconut to my diet after I watched The Alex Jones conspiracy theory on Altzheimer as well as other degenerative diseases. Cocount oil may have some currative and preventive virtues.
The report states that you should look for coconut oil. But it's hard to find in retail stores. So, I just use coconut cream, which is an extract that contains the oil, and it's good tasting. I add it to my coffee about 4 to 5 times a day.
Coconut contains ketone, which the brain uses as a substitute for glucose. It is theorized that Altzheimer and other degenerative diseases are caused by a "brain diabete", which causes it to starve. Ketone intake is thought of not only to slow down the degenerative process, but also to enable the brain to recover to some extent from the disease damages.
I was suspicious of this idea. However, studying statistics of food habits in different parts of the world, I found that the over 65 years old populations of Asian countries, which development is comparable to Western, had a 90% lesser incidence of the Altzheimer disease. It's not a proof, and I am not a doctor. But one thing is certain, what differentiates Asians from us are food habits, and cocount is part of it.
Now at an age of 55, I was not diagnosed with Altzheimer or Parkinson. However, I started my coconut diet about 3 months ago. And, I already noticed some spectacular improvements in memory and concentration abilities.